
The applicable regulations governing the December 26th Foundation are as follows:

  • Bylaws of the December 26th Foundation
  • Law 50/2002, of December 26, 2002, on Foundations and implementing regulations.
  • Decree 20/2002, of December 23, 2002, on the tax regime for non-profit entities and tax incentives for patronage.
  • Royal Decree 1491/2011, of October 24, 2011, approving the rules for the adaptation of the General Accounting Plan to non-profit entities and the model action plan for non-profit entities.

The Board of Trustees of the December 26 Foundation is made up of the following persons:

  • D. Federico Armenteros Ávila, Presidente
  • D. Inocente Aguado Toldos, Tesorero
  • Dña. Eva Pérez Nanclares, Patrona
  • D. Juan José Argüello Aira, Patrón
  • D. Guillermo Argüello González, Patrón
  • Dña. Uxía Armenteros Bogo, Patrona

The position of Technical Secretary of Fundación 26 de Diciembre is held by Mr. Guillermo Argüello González.

Estatutos de la Fundación 26 de Diciembre

Modificación estatutos 23/01/18 

Modificación estatutos 08/05/20

Modificación estatutos 12/12/22

Estructura organizativa

Política de calidad

Protección de datos personales y registro de actividades de tratamiento

Financial documents